

Fascia is a connective tissue that supports, surrounds and informs all of our bodily structures and functions.


Fascia is a connective tissue that forms a 3D matrix throughout our bodies.  It is continuous meaning there are no layers. It wraps around and within our bones, nerves, tendons, ligaments, organs through to our skin and everything in between.  Therefore, what happens in one part of the body cannot help but affect another part somewhere else.

Fascia has a tensile strength of up to 200lbs per square inch (Katake, 1961), so it is easy to understand how a localised fascial pull or tear created by a trauma or injury can cause other structures to be out of balance. 

Similarly, it is easy to see how imbalances in the fascial matrix can cause a feeling of tension, restriction, pain or mobility issues.  Whilst this can be experienced at the specific site of an injury, sometimes the pain and movement issues can be referred to areas seemingly unrelated to the original injury.

Fascial Unwinding

Rachel was trained by Jan Trewartha in this unique form of fascial therapy.  It is a light touch with a deep response.  It allows her to affect fascia in a profound way meaning that clients can feel relief from longstanding issues as well as being able to address newer issues with speed and efficiency.

It is also a great follow up to ScarWork therapy as it can help the structural integration of reintegrated scar tissues so the body can function to its best potential.